01-07-2025 01:13 PM
I received a refurbished quest 2 due to having issues with my old one. I am currently dealing with more issues however.
I was sent a new headset but the controllers from my previous headset, meaning they can't connect until the headset is set up. However I am stuck on the part of set up where the headset HAS to detect controllers otherwise it won't continue. I have also tried to connect my headset to the Meta app on my phone, but every time, even after factory resetting the headset a few times, it refuses to connect.
I am unsure of what to do. Does anyone have any fixes?
I've also wondered if getting brand new controllers will automatically pair with this headset, can someone confirm or deny this so I know? Thank you.
01-08-2025 02:58 AM
Hi @TheSquidInk 🙂
Have you tried manually putting the controllers into pairing mode?
How to pair and unpair your Meta Quest Touch controllers | Quest help
01-08-2025 07:43 AM
I have but unfortunately they won't connect while the headset is in set up, I'd need to be able to access settings which I can't
01-08-2025 08:16 AM
You are at the point of the set up when you should remove the tabs from controllers (which you can't do, because the controllers aren't new), right?
Pressing Meta + B button and Menu + Y instead of removing the tabs does nothing?
01-08-2025 08:23 AM
Maybe this thread will help you
Solved: Cannot pair Quest 2 controllers or headset during ... - Meta Community Forums - 986307
01-08-2025 08:43 AM
The controllers go into pairing mode but they can't be connected to this headset since they're already paired to my previous one.
01-08-2025 09:35 AM
.....isn't the previous headset still listed in your devices in the app, so you can unpair them?
01-08-2025 10:51 AM
I tried that but without the headset physically being here I couldn't do anything, i appreciate you trying to help me with all these solutions by the way.
01-08-2025 11:07 AM
I hope someone finds a real solution for you... not just "attempts" like me.😂
There must be a way...... just, I don't know it.
Good luck!
01-08-2025 01:42 PM
So, the TLDR is that you can't put controllers in to pair mode using the buttons if the controller is still paired to another headset. Controllers paired to one headset have to be unpaired via the mobile app before they can be paired to another headset. Is this correct?
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