04-02-2021 08:41 PM
Hi I just got a Quest 2 and I was installing the Oculus app but unfortunately I wasn't able to do so. I followed the instructions for installing the software to my second drive and I get the admin permissions message to pop up. After I accept this I see the installer pop up as a background process and then close. I looked into a lot of different fixes, but when I scrolled through my OculusSetup.log I saw that the software was trying to find a drive to install to. I have 3 drives, but my c drive is just big enough for windows so I won't be able to install the software there. The log shows all 3 drives, but it chooses to write to the C: drive which doesn't have enough space so it aborts the process. The other two drives have more than enough space for the application so that shouldn't be an issue. I would appreciate any help as I was eager to finally hop into vr.
i7 3770k 4.6ghz
Evga RTX 3080
Gigabyte z77x-ud3h
Setup log info
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-librarian. Size: 1.981279 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-runtime. Size: 86.611227 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-drivers. Size: 16.861072 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-compat. Size: 7.253191 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-client. Size: 360.263576 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-home. Size: 1.8E-05 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-redistributable-installer. Size: 0.684115 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-diagnostics. Size: 27.019485 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-overlays. Size: 0.594985 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-dreamdeck-nux. Size: 564.999135 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-touch-tutorial. Size: 835.313082 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-avatar-editor. Size: 1.8E-05 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-dash. Size: 135.034711 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-platform-runtime. Size: 9.812963 MB
[Info] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Queuing app download: oculus-worlds. Size: 3306.071645 MB
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Found candidate install locations: [D:\, E:\]
[Error] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Couldn't find a valid install location for drive C:\!
[Error] [4/2/2021 8:27:03 PM] Unable to find an install location with enough free space.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] Initialising Analytics.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] Querying machine metadata.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] Anti-virus found: Windows Defender(393472, Disabled, Up-to-date)
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] Anti-virus found: 360 Total Security(335872, Disabled, Up-to-date)
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] Starting preflight checks.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] RunCheck 'Dawn.Preflight.ConfigInitialisedCheck' succeeded.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] RunCheck 'Dawn.Preflight.ConfigGestaltCheck' succeeded.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] RunCheck 'Dawn.Preflight.CpuArchitectureCheck' succeeded.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] RunCheck 'Dawn.Preflight.OsVersionCheck' succeeded.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] RunCheck 'Dawn.Preflight.HotfixCheck' succeeded.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] RunCheck 'Dawn.Preflight.InstallLocationCheck' failed.
[Error] [4/2/2021 8:27:11 PM] Aborting installation due to failed preflight check.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:24 PM] Removing working directory.
[Warning] [4/2/2021 8:27:24 PM] Exception deleting 'C:\Users\micha\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-4e5b8779-43eb-430e-827f-fb46f67522d0':
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'DaybreakNative.dll' is denied.
at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean throwOnTopLevelDirectoryNotFound, WIN32_FIND_DATA& data)
at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive, Boolean checkHost)
at Dawn.Mixins.ReallyDeleteDirectory(String path)
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:24 PM] Scheduling delete of 'C:\Users\micha\AppData\Local\Temp\OculusSetup-4e5b8779-43eb-430e-827f-fb46f67522d0' on next reboot.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:24 PM] Exiting with code 1.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:53 PM] Starting up _OculusSetup v1.16.0.0.
[Debug] [4/2/2021 8:27:53 PM] Command-line arguments: [/drive:E, --setupPath, C:\Users\micha\Documents\OculusSetup.exe]
[Error] [4/2/2021 8:27:53 PM] Unable to parse command line arguments
04-04-2021 12:09 AM
Hey! We'd like to check out your Oculus Setup Logs in full along with your System Information file. Can you please click here to submit those to us? Thanks!
08-08-2021 10:41 AM
Any updates on this problem, I'm seeing the same things with a drive with available space shown at 1.2Tb. It looks like a 32bit/64 bit overflow error. (Not something I have ever done in my 30+ years of coding. 🙂 )
Queuing app download: oculus-librarian. Size: 1.981678 MB
Queuing app download: oculus-runtime. Size: 90.666186 MB
Queuing app download: oculus-drivers. Size: 17.012824 MB
Queuing app download: oculus-compat. Size: 7.253191 MB
Queuing app download: oculus-client. Size: 360.215121 MB
Queuing app download: oculus-home. Size: 1.8E-05 MB
Queuing app download: oculus-redistributable-installer. Size: 0.684367 MB
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