4 weeks ago
Hey All!
Can somebody please help me log back into my FB account? I don’t know if I was hacked, but somehow my FB 2FA got turned on and I have no way to access the number! I’ve tried everything and no matter what I do, it still makes me enter the 2FA to get in. And when I go and report it hacked, it says I’m not on a device they recognize- I try another device and it says that I’ve gone too fast and I’m block from using that feature at the moment. I’ve tried to “recover” my account, submitted my ID many times, but the links in the emails I get afterwards either don’t work, but lead me right to the same 2FA page where I get stuck everytime!
It’s been 3 months now and nothing has worked. I can’t find a way to report my problem to FB directly and get a real person to respond. Any advice would be great! Thanks!!!
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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