3 weeks ago
I don't know where else I should seek help. I can't contact the support and when I try to start a Community post, I only get into a loop.
For understanding I created a second meta Account trying to contact the support because I can't login into my old meta account.
A few years ago I rented an Ocolus 2 on Grover. I created the account and I could play easily. After a year the rent ended and I shipped it back to Grover. While having the OQ2, I migrated the account to a meta account. I could login and manage everything in that account.
Now about 2 years later, I bought the Meta Quest 3s. To start playing, you have to sign in into your Meta Account if you have one. And there starts the problem. I can actually login with my credentials, but then the site asks for a verification code via Email. This code doesn't get sent to my Email-Account. I tried it more often today, but hours later it still doesn't receive the email. Like said before I created a second meta account trying to reach the support. The registration code, as well as the login code (to test if the email code works) were sent successfully to my second email adress. Now it gets interesting. I tried successfully to create an email forwarding to my other email adress I also created the meta account with. Now the code also doesn't get forwarded. So I assume it's a meta problem? And how I can contact the support? I can't reach them.
Mentioned above, I can't create a community post on the official forums. I could login with my second account. But when I try to start a conversation through the "start a conversation" button, it redirects me back to the site where I have to login with my meta horizon account.
Lastly said, I also checked the "whitelist/blacklist" on my email account. It's on the whitelist and the blacklist is empty.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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