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Can't pair my Quest 3 to the Meta Horizon app

Honored Guest


I just purchased the Meta Quest 3 and am unable to pair the headset to the app (despite spending 4+ hours trying, including reading many forums, articles and watching videos).

I installed Meta Horizon on my phone and created a profile (the profile can be seen in my online meta account on my PC, so no issues there). I have allowed location permission and enabled bluetooth on the phone. The headset is connected to my wifi and has completed it's update. 

I have followed the setup instructions and am stuck on the pairing screen on the headset showing my 6 digit code. However I am unable to pair it to the Horizon app. I get no prompt to add the 6 digit code. If I try to add a device, all I get is the permissions page and nothing happens, as the only button I can see, is the 'Not Now' button.

I have occasionally had a popup in the Horizon app on my phone asking me to setup the headset which say something along the lines of 'lets setup this headset'? but when I click it nothing happens.

I have also tried a factory reset, but end up at the same place. I'm not sure what else I can do.

Would appreciate some help.

Thanks Mike.



Honored Guest

Forget it!, just as I finished typing the above out and trying again, the app came up with a different request to pair a device and now it is all working!

Honestly, there should be some message saying that the app will ask this question, only it could take several hours to show up.

No changes were made to what I did, but I did waste 4 hours of my time!

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