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Can't pair using airlink

Honored Guest



Greatly appreciate anyone who can help. I just bought my first VR which is Quest 3s. When I try to link on the headset (air link enabled), I can see my pc the name in the format <Windows user name>::<Windows host name>. But when I clicked the Pair button, after less than 10 seconds the dialog "Can't connect" is displayed. In the headset I can see the current contents of my pc screen if I click "Remote Desktop". When I first installed the link app in my pc, it displayed something like hardware does not meet requirements but my pc spec is Lenovo Legion laptop 13th gen I9, 32G RAM, NVidia RTX 4060. If I look at the Windows start menu only the  "Meta Quest Link" and "Meta Quest Link Support" can be found. Running the "Meta Quest Link" only shows the "Select A Connection Method" and no menu.


Honored Guest

It's seems it's a case of bad error message. The message says your pc does not meet minimum requirements but I think the cause is the network speed from my pc to router which about 500 mbps so the message should have been more specific. From articles I've read the required speed is about 1 Gbps and the wifi speed can be checked by going to Control Panel, Network and Sharing Center, Change adapter settings, click once on the wifi adapter, then click View status of this connection. The speed field shows the network speed from pc to router.

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