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Can't purchase games after buying a Quest 3

Honored Guest

I saved up to buy a quest 3 and when I got it I could buy games but one day after getting it, I couldn't buy games, I still cant. Meta support please help. I tried all the things mentioned I even tried getting a friend to gift it and he got the same error 

(Edit) I had a oculus before the thing is i can add a payment methode but after i type in my pin it lodes for a bit and after that the error comes upp 

245 REPLIES 245

Same here. 

Support didn't reply on this request and I can't buy any games. There seems to be a problem with meta technologies Llc. 


Is this related to my issue?

I made an Meta account before the Quest 3 release and my Quest 3 is the first entry into VR. Good to know that if I bought a Quest 2 it might've worked. This is ridiculous.

Speaking of activating Quest 3, it took an extremely long time to redeem Asgard's Wrath 2. So long so that I thought it was broken. It ended up just working after some hours. No idea how long it took or why.

Yeah it is the same... 

Good to see you in this thread as well Jayleiigh, but the circumstances are still quite unfortunate. From reading this thread it seems that the scale of this issue is quite large. It also seems that there are a lucky few who did get their accounts fixed, but the bulk of us are not getting any help at all. I have been waiting for almost 3 weeks now. 

I did see someone write something about filing a class action against Meta; after all the product is not functional. I am a lawyer based in Europe, but nowadays I mostly do environmental law, so it is not really my cup of tea. Anyone else among us more proficient in that area perhaps? 



I suspect that if anyone has a chance with a lawsuit, it would be the app and game developers. To invest so much time and money into creating software for this platform, only to have it unavailable to a growing number of users has to be violating some kind of contractual agreement.

From this growing group, they're missing out on that initial enthusiasm people have where they get into the store for the first time and want to buy a bunch of stuff, they're missing out on the surge of purchases that a new platform offers, they're missing out on the cash-cow of revenue that comes from the lead-up to the holidays. All of that is something they can't get back. And to see threads like this where it becomes obvious there's no official word and where it just seems like the company is hiding from the problem and leaving people to run in circles until they're exhausted (like me) with an uninformed CS department - it definitely has a litigious flavor about it. 

Alright, good point. But then we need to somehow make a big enough splash to get the attention of the developers, let them know this problem exists and is causing them to miss out on revenue. After all, it is causing people to either abandon quest3/VR as a whole, or only buy and use software via other platforms like Steam. 

How to get attention though? We would need someone with big enough reach, to get exposure for this issue on social media platforms. Do we have anyone among us that could do this? 

I've been mentioning it in public forums and dropping a link to this thread, but sending a link to this and any other discussions out there (someone posted a list of URLs earlier in this thread) to app developers would be a way to get the ball rolling. Devs that are struggling with sales and pushed out to the edges of the store would probably be the best ones to contact. Just googling their app/game and finding contact info to send this too would be a good approach. I imagine the Beat Sabre, Assassin's Creed, etc. level of developer might not care as much if they're missing a few hundred sales as smaller indie developers who would rely on this revenue to keep their company running. 


It's so bizarre that this isn't a 4 alarm fire at Meta. People complain that there aren't enough good apps/games for VR and that it hurts the platform. Meanwhile, over here on the platform, there's this high priority bug that keeps people from being able to buy apps and games, thus hurting the app/game developers and pushing them out of the industry. I guess you can get a behemoth corporation to a level where it just doesn't matter? Money comes from other places and they're playing some kind of long game where user engagement and partner solvency doesn't really matter? I can only wonder.



All i know is - Christmas morning is going to hit in just a little over a month, and if they don't get it fixed before then, this annoying little group of disenfranchised customers is going to turn into a tsunami. 

How many people have this issue? There doesn't seem to be that many.


It's hard to tell from this thread. As i've been watching it for the past month, i've seen the numbers grow, but it's gradual - and who knows how newcomers are dealing with it or if they're finding this forum. They might be returning the headset, believing that it doesn't work or just handling it through the livechat CS.

Whatever the situation, it's definitely a small percentage of people who run into it and that might be why Meta isn't fully engaged, but i do see it growing in this thread. It also sounds like it isn't just people like me who had a Quest 1, skipped a generation and now have this problem on the Q3. It sounds like it's been around since the Quest 2 days and is even happening to people who are pulling a VR headset out of the box for the first time. So - the chance that it will grow exponentially about a month from now seems likely. 

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