4 weeks ago - last edited 4 weeks ago
I tried to connect with my Meta Account to play with my Oculus Rift but I can't receive the SMS confirmation code. I can log in with my email, enter the verification code sent by mail, but after that it's impossible to receive the SMS confirmation code on my phone. I just created this new account to join you. Could you please help me to recover my account and my games. Thank you very much for your help.
Did you ever get this resolved? I ordered Quest Optimization App from itch.io and to install it I must be developer mode on my Q2. In order to do get into developer mode I have to verify via 2FA but cannot get a code sent to my iPhone as a text. Also tried sending to email. Doesn't happened. Meta has been working on this for about a month now. No resolution. They did suggest contacting my carrier, ATT which I have yet to do. I get 2FA codes all the time without any problem for other sites, companies, etc. However, today, I was trying to log into Temu.ocm and am having the same problem so maybe it is an ATT issue.
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