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Can’t redeem Batman: Arkham shadow

Honored Guest

I just bought the quest 3 as a long needed upgrade from my quest 2. After messing around and setting it up I was ready to add the batman game which says it's included with purchase. When I checked the box, I couldn't find a code. When I checked my email under meta and batman, nothing shows up. Can someone please help me figure out how to activate the game for my headset?


Honored Guest

I am having the same issue, and cannot figure out how to get the game activated


@santiagopelayo  @jaylor182 

Look here:

Redeeming Batman: Arkham Shadow - Meta Community Forums - 1254412  

If the steps in the description don't work - a few users had trouble to redeem the game - send a PM

@MetaQuestSupport  they'll help you to get the game.

Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.

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