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Can't redeem Batman Arkham

Honored Guest

Got an oculus for my son for Christmas. It's supposed to come with Batman, we set up his account. We are now unable to download Batman onto his headset. Can someone help with this problem? Is there a workaround?


Honored Guest

I’m dealing with the exact same problem. One sons worked & the others didn’t. Hopefully this gets resolved soon. 


Hi @MJmartin 🙂

in my country Batman is rated 18+

I don't know where you are from and what is the age restriction in your's different across the countries.

But if your son don't match the required age, he won't be able to redeem/play the game.

it worked on my other sons 3s. Both close to the same age. It’s rated teen where we live. 

Honored Guest

It's supposed to be rated teen in the US. Also I think it should be my choice as parent regardless. I have approved other aps for him... why can't we approve this one? Anybody know how to get ahold of customer service. I feel like this is false advertising. 

I see...

Are you the admin on both devices or did your son set it up with his own account?

You can only approve apps that are allowed for his age.

There is no false's stated in the ad

Screenshot 2024-12-25 at 23-06-38 Meta Quest 3S New Mixed Reality Headset - Buy Now Meta Store.png

I set up an admin account. then set up his account. We only have one device. 

Honored Guest

So could we set up the device on my account? or transfer Batman to my account? 

If you've set up the Quest with your account, you should be able to redeem it.

Look here how to redeem the game:

Redeem your Meta Quest app, game or subscription promotion | Quest help 

If the steps outlined there don't work, contact support.

Either by opening a support ticket at the link below

Meta Quest Help Center | Meta Help Centre 

Scroll down the page to "Still need help?" "Get support"

or send a PM @MetaQuestSupport 

click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.

If you set up the quest with your son (who is not old enough yet) as admin, the game may be lost as it can only be redeemed with the first setup of the quest.


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