10-13-2023 11:09 AM
I can not get to load and run the following games: Obduction, Call of the Star Seed, Heart of the Ember stone, Robinson The Journey, Heart of the Ember Stone Gallery, Exing, the Land Beyond. I'm tried using the correct USB Cable and wireless. Reset the software, and the computer, uninstalled the games and reinstalled them. Wrote the manufactures. Only heard back from Obduction people, they made many suggestions, but still won't load. They all go back to the Library screen. I do have OpenXR Runtime checked as active. Not sure what else to try, and help apprectiated. Lastly I tried loading the games directly on to Quest 2 but was not successful in doing that, as the directio
11-07-2023 10:26 AM
Hi there @MRoe1! We hope you're having a wonderful day today! We know it is very important to be able to access any games that we pay for so we would love to get this resolved as fast as possible. For us to have a better understanding of what may be going on, were these titles purchase from the Meta App Store or were they purchased on Steam?
11-08-2023 10:55 AM
Hi again @MRoe1! We hope you're having a good day so far. We just wanted to check in with you and see if you were still having issues with running those select tiles. If you still need any assistance, please don't hesitate to get back to us so we can continue working towards a resolution with you! Have a phenomenal day!
11-08-2023 11:28 AM
I was not having problems before I upgraded to a new motherboard now the games won’t load or play
11-10-2023 11:42 AM
Is there any advise someone can give me to try and get my games to run. They ran fine on my old system, since then I upgraded to a new motherboard and processor, Could there be a setting maybe in the bios that's keep them from running. Any advise can help.
11-16-2023 03:25 PM
Hello, hello, @MRoe1! We'd love to look into this issue with your games not loading, as we know no user could be content with missing out on such fun VR content! To start with, could you let us know, were these mentioned games purchased directly from our Meta store or were they purchased from Steam? Also, is this issue happening when your headset is not connected to a PC, in Standalone mode? Let us know and we can continue from there!
11-16-2023 05:41 PM
They are located on my pc so yes I would need to use the cable, they all worked before I changed out my motherboard. All bought through the oculus store
11-28-2023 12:38 PM
Hello @MRoe1, it looks like we are really going to have to do a deep dive into this. We will have to ask for some sensitive information as well to further troubleshoot. Let's move this interaction to a private message so you are no longer delayed in playing your favorite games. Please click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
We look forward to working together with you to find a resolution!
02-18-2024 06:25 AM
Still having an issue with the listed games not running. Tried all things suggested.
02-18-2024 07:38 AM
Thanks so much for getting back to us with that update, @MRoe1! Gaming is one of the best parts of VR, so we'd never want you missing out on any of your favorite apps. We see you already sent us a private message, and we'll be looking forward to continuing our conversation there!
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