01-06-2025 11:26 PM
Hi, my sons new Meta Quest 3s horizon account is closed tomorrow. Have 3 kreditcards and none of them is working to verify one of them get stick in some sort of loop when meta should draw the small amount to verify. I have reached out in the application to report an issue but nothing happens.
Im really dissapointed that i bought this gadget for 5000 sek, and ll it gives me and my son is frustration.
I really need help to verify my age or my card and save my boys account.
Vänligen Jimmy, Sweden
01-07-2025 05:13 AM
Hi @tehweasel 🙂
I have reached out in the application to report an issue but nothing happens.
You've sent a bug report, no one will answer to it....this is just to let Meta know "something is wrong"
send a PM @ MetaQuestSupport I hope they can help you.
cliick on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
Good luck🤞
01-07-2025 05:35 AM
Vi har exakt samma problem här. Fungerar inte att verifiera med mitt betalkort. Har du funnit en lösning?
Med vänlig hälsning, Erika
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