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Can you play pirated games on Oculus rift s

Honored Guest
Hey, I was wondering if I can play pirated games on Oculus rift like half life alyx.

I understand that it works fine for the first 10 minutes, then The Rift s self destructs . But try it anyway 🙂
Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.5GHz. Asus-Z170-PRO MB - Nvidia RTX 3080 ti - 16GB DDR4 2666MHZ HYPERX SAVAGE.

lol, ban this idiot

Well it was nice knowing you....

@Techy111 do your magic.

Probably, but you really shouldn't.

Discussion of piracy is allowed, but posting or linking pirated content is not.

For the sake of discussion; Alyx is a SteamVR game. Oculus software isn't going to do any sort of entitlement check for third-party software that doesn't go through the Oculus store. The game does require SteamVR in order to function, so I'm not sure how a pirated version would bypass that.

Beyond the technical questions, you're opening your PC up to a world of potential problems by trying to install and run pirated games--you really don't know what you're getting or what malware has been hidden within it. You'd be better off buying the game legitimately than trying to save a few bucks and exposing yourself to the risks involved to your PC, your data, and your gaming accounts.

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo

Not applicable
Apart from the ethical issues, this is still a burgeoning industry. Devs could write pancake games with a giant potential audience or write for a small VR audience. I know each person has their own financial situation to consider, but if people pirate VR games, the developers will be less likely to develop for the platform. While there are a few mega-companies making VR games, many games are made by small teams and even single devs. I prefer to support the devs and try to be understanding when a game is 3-4 hours for the same price as a 30 hour pancake game. Pirating will only keep the cost higher for legitimate purchasers like me.


Not applicable
What a stupid idiotic question.

Imagine the fun developers could have with copy protection in VR. Like how in Serious Sam 3 if it detects the game is pirated it spawns an immortal pink scorpion that attacks you continuously. Or in Operation Flashpoint it made bullets come out of your gun at a random angle and satchel charges had like a massively enlarged blast radius.

In VR you could fill the game with jump scares, do bad IPD, apply a head rotation offset (so the game is tilted 30 degrees to the side), break all the comfort rules to make people feel sick.
Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Rising Star
kojack said:
Imagine the fun developers could have with copy protection in VR. Like how in Serious Sam 3 if it detects the game is pirated it spawns an immortal pink scorpion that attacks you continuously. Or in Operation Flashpoint it made bullets come out of your gun at a random angle and satchel charges had like a massively enlarged blast radius.

In VR you could fill the game with jump scares, do bad IPD, apply a head rotation offset (so the game is tilted 30 degrees to the side), break all the comfort rules to make people feel sick.
Or you get transported to a VR courtroom, followed by banishment to a VR prison for however long your banishment is!  And this will have a social aspect to it; as there will be a VR shower, LOL.
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