03-03-2024 07:24 AM
My Meta Quest 2 will no longer allow me to multitask with 2D apps, whilst in a 3D app. The feature disappeared, and I am not sure if this is a bug, glitch, or a removed feature.
03-04-2024 08:31 AM
Hey there, @MerfolkCeCe! We hope you're having a great day today! Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We know it's no fun to not be able to use our devices to their full capacity so we would love to help getting this issue resolved for you. If you haven't already, please follow these steps to report a problem from your headset:
However, if you're still having trouble after trying those steps, please don't hesitate to reach back out and let us know. We'll also be here if you have any other questions or concerns.
03-05-2024 08:37 AM
Hi again @MerfolkCeCe! Hope you are having a terrific day thus far. We wanted to reach back out and follow up on the issue you were having with multitasking with 3D apps. Did you still require further assistance? Can't wait to speak with you!
03-05-2024 02:08 PM
I'm having the same issue, but I was never able to use a 2d window within a 3d game. What are the steps required to accomplish this?
03-15-2024 12:55 PM
Hi @pat_trudel Thank you for letting us know about this. We certainly hope to provide a smooth experience for our community, and we'd be happy to provide any support we can!
We'd like to confirm what version the headset is currently on. Your Meta Quest headset will update automatically when connected to Wi-Fi and turned on, so we want to make sure you're up-to-date. If you are still having issues once the current version is confirmed, please follow these steps to report a problem from your headset:
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