12-23-2024 04:56 AM
I'm having trouble seting up my Oculus 1 Headset for giving away to the sons of my girlfriend.
It now seems that using the mobile App for setup is a must - i factory resettet the device and tried 2 different accounts in the app on two different mobile phones (iphone) but during paring and after setting up wifi and recognising the controllers, the app won't get past th "oculus quest security hints" screen , i just see a spinning wheel and it does not get past that.
none of the enumerations like (i translate from german text) like "check security info" "make room for a secure playground" "create a guardian area" "for kids above 13 years" "choose proper content" getting checked and inside the headset i only see "continue with setup in the mobile app".
i'm lost. i don't know what to do further to fix this.
now i have no present for christmas for three kids.
this sucks !!!
12-23-2024 05:30 AM
Same issue here. Looks like an update make the oculus attempt to use the new meta horizons app. I keep getting stuck in the Safety screen. It just sits there... no video will load. I left it going for 6 hours. I have reset and deleted and reinstalled app and factory reset headset. Now the head set just says "update 1 of 2 complete, finish in the Meta app" and the app won't pass the Safety screen because the video won't load.
META DEV > PLEASE REMOVE the SAFETY video requirement!!! This is the pinch point for a lot of people! Make a NON ANIMATED quick setup for connecting. REMOVE animations from app set up PLEASE and make update for the CURRENTLY REQUIRED mobile app (META HORIZONS APP - Android / Apple)
12-23-2024 09:36 AM
I have the same Problem after my first attemp to fix this my Meta Quest (1) is now marked as Corrupt, plus the same Problems as listet here.
Ganz ehrlich was für ein Scheiss
12-23-2024 11:35 AM
the problem seems to be tied to my primary account i'm using on 3 oculus 1 devices - if i setup another account on one of the oculus devices and enable app sharing in the main/admin account, i can install all software with the secondary account.
what's going on here?
this is ridiculous !!!!
12-26-2024 11:01 AM
This is beyond ridiculous. Been trying to run the initial setup for hours and I'm seeing this is a common issue and has been for nearly 2 years now without any response from Meta at all. Looking forward to Google getting into the VR game so that the added competition will force them to do better because god knows they're not going to do it on their own.
12-26-2024 11:31 AM
You have to use the META HORIZON app in google play or apple store. I can't get it to work on Android, but my son got it connected on his iPHONE (using the Meta Horizon APP) > after this initial set up you do not NEED the app but it does allow you to do other things. I was able to "launch" the " browser" ffrom the Meta Horizon app even though it wouldn't get through the set up. This allows you to browse the net and find AR VR apps that will load right from the brower However you can't exit the browser because the normal operating system will still be "waiting to finish setup using the mobile app"
12-26-2024 11:36 AM
when you do a factory reset, then find your Oculus (headset) stuck in the "finish using the app screen", and then hold the volume and power button after you power off (as if trying to load the boot menu), you may get an error that say "corrupt" >>> JUST PRESS POWER and THEN PRESS VOLUME ONCE (press volume while holding power button and then let go of both, don't hold them in this case.) >> It will bring you into the debug menu (similar to boot menu) >>> You can choose factory reset there if you want. >>> Still waiting for META TO FIX the BUG in the Horizon APP to make it past the Safety screen on ANDROID APP for the OLDER devices. Hope this helps
12-26-2024 11:38 AM
use the META HORIZON app in google play or apple store. I can't get it to work on Android, but my son got it connected on his iPHONE (using the Meta Horizon APP) > after this initial set up you do not NEED the app but it does allow you to do other things. I was able to "launch" the " browser" ffrom the Meta Horizon app even though it wouldn't get through the set up. This allows you to browse the net and find AR VR apps that will load right from the brower However you can't exit the browser because the normal operating system will still be "waiting to finish setup using the mobile app" >>>
when you do a factory reset, then find your Oculus (headset) stuck in the "finish using the app screen", and then hold the volume and power button after you power off (as if trying to load the boot menu), you may get an error that say "corrupt" >>> JUST PRESS POWER and THEN PRESS VOLUME ONCE (press volume while holding power button and then let go of both, don't hold them in this case.) >> It will bring you into the debug menu (similar to boot menu) >>> You can choose factory reset there if you want. >>> Still waiting for META TO FIX the BUG in the Horizon APP to make it past the Safety screen on ANDROID APP for the OLDER devices. Hope this helps
12-27-2024 08:59 AM
>You have to use the META HORIZON app in google play or apple store
oh really? 😉 is there any other option left besides this app? i'm not aware of one.
i tried 3 ios devices with that app and all three get hung at the safety screen/video. on my ipad it worked after the 3rd try. so this seems to be some race condition which depends on which ios device you are on.
12-27-2024 02:12 PM
I have been communicating with the IT department on this. I'm waiting for them to get back to me. I told them there are many people having the same issue and I think it's an app issue. I did all the trouble shooting so they said they are trying to dwell deeper causing the issue
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