4 weeks ago
I am trying to add payment method to verify childs (under 13) age and manage the account.
Error message "We couldn´t add your payment method"
Steps below verified
4 weeks ago
Hi there! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us.
We have just replied to your direct message and we are currently waiting for your response!
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach back out to us, we are always more than happy to help our VR family!
4 weeks ago
I have the exact same issue with my sisters account. Providing a Photo ID also gets rejected. Emailing support@store.metamail.com does not help as they bounce you around different agents and stops responding after proposing to login at "auth.meta.com" and upload the ID.
I have been bounced around for over a week now...
4 weeks ago - last edited 4 weeks ago
I am having the same issue. Trying to add payment method and get to the submit part where it says click OK, Then just get error message saying "Something went wrong"
have tried on both a mobile phone and also laptop. same issue. Some help would be appreciated
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