12-25-2024 09:40 AM
After selecting 10-12 child account and entering my child’s birthday I get the following message:
You aren’t able to create an account based on the information you provided.
please assist
12-25-2024 12:30 PM
SAME. The same exact issue is happening for my son's Meta Quest 3s!? 😕
Merry Christmas btw, sugarplumfairy12!
This is what I Know so far: over 100k units of this MetaQuest3s were sold, on Amazon alone, within the last Month! (80k units when i purchased, to wrap the present) that's over 30, million dollars in sales btw 🙄😬😅
I know that the shear Number of New accounts and people to new to meta horizon app is a ridiculously high number. I personally believe their servers are overloaded and overwhelmed leading to this error. I already tried literally Every Single Age year available to the same result you have. 😕
I'm betting if we're patient with the next day or several days we'll be able to finally create child accounts due to the meta's servers not being so overwhelmed.
If you get any resolution to this error please reach out. Good luck and merry christmas 🙂
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