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Cannot get 2FA code via phone number and horrible support

Honored Guest

Its been a month since the last message i posted requesting help and since nobody here got in contact or helped in anyway i tried using meta support email and it was terrible, full of lies, 1 month messages with the same problem. their only excuse was this: 

Hello there, 

This is Zai, and I am reaching back because your case has been brought to my attention for further assistance. I have taken ownership of this ticket, and I'll be more than happy to assist you with your concern.

I have seen that you are reaching out to us with regards to your concern with accessing your account. I know that this is important, the reason why we are doing our best to provide a fix for this. 

As soon as we receive any update or workaround for this, I assure you that we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Should there be any other questions or clarifications you ought to know, you are free to reach back to us!

Kind regards,

Zai D.

All over again the same message no help at all just this. And they even sent me a fake 2FA code that doesnt even work. If anybody got answer for this or anything that might help is a big thanks.

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