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Cannot receive confirmation code when creating account

Honored Guest

I just want to be explicit here, the problem is not my end, I am a professional web developer, I know how to register an account, use email, check junk mail etc.

The confirmation code sending works with my own personal meta account but refuses to work with my Dad's email address who just bought his own headset. You really need to fix this issue because the internet is covered with this sort of post and there is no solution provided other than to try a different email address or contact support. That is unacceptable to my Dad as he only has one email account he can remember the details to, and no matter how many times you try to send or resend the account creation confirmation code, it refuses to send.

My suspicion is it might be because he has a facebook account on the same email (although he had no idea which email was tied to his facebook so this is only a guess)? But I feel like the login process should say warn about this if it's a problem anyway?

Update: I have limited time I can help him set this up as I leave the country in a day, so I tried logging in with his facebook account (it was the same email that we were trying to create a Meta account from), and it said "Unexpected error" when we tried. So I tried resetting his facebook password in case we didn't guess correctly, for that we did get the confirmation code through, followed the link to reset the password, and got some infuriating error saying we cannot reset the password because you haven't been using the device for long enough which is nonsense as my Dad has had the phone about a year and was logged into the facebook app on it already. Stupid stupid stupid. 



Honored Guest

Second this problem. I had an Oculus account originally which I then converted to a Meta account when it was required. Today I am trying to set up a new Quest 3 and have been completely unable to navigate the Meta account ecosystem thanks to failed email confirmations and contradicting login email loops. At this point, I had to create a new Meta account just to try to get support, so I'd like to get in touch with the backend support and not this support website filled with unending, unhelpful support articles, to consolidate my account information.

ive been searching for 3 days please let me know if you find anything. They have like NO ONE to talk to 

Honored Guest

At this point, if we could refund the headset we would. Here is the catalogue of fail:

1) Creating a new account for my Dad and entering his email address to create a new Meta account, confirmation code never received. No explanation as to why, just didn't work. In hindsight it was probably something to with him having the facebook app on his phone and logged in but it should handle this extremely common use case!

2) Trying to create a meta account using facebook login instead also failed.

3) Tried to reset facebook password, got told cannot do it from this device as it is a new device, what?! he's been logged into facebook on that device for years.

4) Eventually managed to reset facebook password, tried logging in, got an "unexpected error" message, still can't log in to fb. 

5) Contacted support, got told unhelpful things like to reset my wifi router. This had nothing to do with the issues and I think my Dad wasn't even on the wifi at the time. Both logging into my personal facebook and Meta accounts from the home wifi network work just fine. They also told me to use a different email address, THIS IS NOT A SOLUTION, people should be able to use any email they want. When you are encountered with errors saying "Unexpected error", this means an unhandled error in the software and a developer intervention is almost certainly required (or a higher level support with access to internal logs).

6) Got the headset set up on a Meta account tied to a different email address, on some apps you try and download like beatsaber it says "Query error" and nothing else, other apps download fine.

7) Tried to gift my Dad's account a game, tried with 2 different payment methods, both failed saying "Your request couldn't be processed". 


#5 seems to be a big issue i can use other accounts and get advertisement emails but i need my account it has everything on it and when i try to submit a ticket and put the serial code of the device connected but there isn't one yet

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