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Cannot transfer files as 2nd user



I am using a second account on the oculus. When we connect the headset as the primary account we see a prompt asking to allow data access and then once agreed we can transfer the files to  the computer.

When I log in as the 2nd user where I have recorded videos, I never see the prompt to allow data access so cannot transfer my files to the computer.

What am I doing wrong?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @SunBlaze_1, we understand you are wanting to transfer files using a secondary account. You aren't doing anything wrong, but at this time, only primary users are authorized to transfer files.


We understand this may not be the answer you were expecting or hoping for, and we want you to feel comfortable sharing your opinions. If you have any suggestions on how to improve your Oculus user experience, you can do so on our user voice site. ☺👍

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If I connect to the primary account via USB, can I access files (screenshots, video recordings) stored on the second user?

Thanks for getting back to me. Okay, thats a shame as it makes the ability to record a little pointless. I wanted to record gameplay with a fresh account to show whats it's like for new users in a game without having to reset progress on the main account.

No you can't, you can only access the primary accounts files as we discovered sadly.

Is there any plans to allow something simple as the transfer of saved videoshots from a second user? This thing has been nothing but an "apple-like product" nightmare. I mean... Oculus, which was purchased for some 4 billion dollars, isn't even compatible with Windows 11. So two things here, while this whole Metaverse thing is being launched. It's so laughable I'm not laughing. 

Not applicable

anything on the roadmap to fix secondary user rights? it's been a nightmare getting apps installed and now this as well? seems like this feature isn't done baking. no way to change to the primary user is? set a secondary user to be an admin? share files between a secondary and the primary? anything other than a factory reset?

Honored Guest

The only workaround I've come across is to use the browser in the quest headset and upload the videos to Google drive or whatever cloud storage you have and then download the videos to your computer. It's a pain in the butt because my upload speed is terrible, but it will get the job done. 

Not applicable

Good call! Pushed 'em to youtube, but worked like a charm.

OMG dude... So agreed... It is insane how clunky this is for how advanced it is. Especially with FB owning it now. One would think, logically, that basic functionality would be a given on a device that can do so much. But they are so worried people will be stealing games or whatever that it is laughable. These little bugs are the exact reason I stopped purchasing games for it. I just play Thrill of the Fight that I had to purchase twice because of all the shared account issues. If ya cannot have multiple profiles with the same access these games should have at least something where multiple players can play a game in the case there is more than one human playing it on/off... Even basic NES games had that feature. It's so basic in some respects while amazing in others. FB really needs to get it's act together, in general, before trying to create something new from something that isn't even theirs. They bought, they didn't build it and nor have they made any serious improvements with that either in the time they have owned it. 

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