4 weeks ago
This site doesn't make it easy to add or follow anyone, I try to make friends on beat saber and I cant figure it out, I've had people follow my account but idk how to, what can I do to add people while in game?
4 weeks ago - last edited 4 weeks ago
Hi @brittney.powell.315 🙂
If you play beatsaber standalone on Quest it's pretty easy.
Press the Meta button on your right controller when you are in a beat saber lobby with other people.
The menu pops up and with it a page that shows you the name of all players in the lobby. Just tab on the + symbol next to the name to follow a person or open the three buttons menu to start a chat, send invitation and so on.
If you play linked to pc - like me - you don't have that page that shows you the name of all players in the lobby and have to search for the name in the pc app and then send a follow request.
I'm not sending follow requests, so it doesn't mind me.😅
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