05-14-2024 12:06 PM
When I press edit next to my DOB It says "You birthday cannot be changed at this time. Please try again later"
Solved! Go to Solution.
05-14-2024 02:08 PM
Typically, security measures are triggered when the original date of birth is changed to avoid fraud. Find more clarity below:
We'll stay tuned for if we can assist further after review. We're happy to help update your account though if need be thru authentication. Keep us posted!
05-14-2024 02:08 PM
Typically, security measures are triggered when the original date of birth is changed to avoid fraud. Find more clarity below:
We'll stay tuned for if we can assist further after review. We're happy to help update your account though if need be thru authentication. Keep us posted!
05-15-2024 02:21 PM
Any success creating a parent managed account? We're happy to help with any challenges allow the way. Keep us posted!
05-16-2024 11:49 AM
If I create a parent managed account, will it now reset all my apps?
05-16-2024 12:10 PM
No. You two will have your own account. Where you can share app access and experiences if interested. As well as purchase brand new for your child's account:
You two enjoy!
05-18-2024 12:21 PM
Is there a way for you to change my DOB for me?
05-18-2024 01:53 PM
This account is for myself. I don't have a child
05-18-2024 02:31 PM
I resolved this issue by watching a tutorial.
05-19-2024 10:58 AM
Hey there, @Monkeyman3030! We are happy to hear that you were able to get your account information udpated! Please let us know if there is anything else we can help out with.
05-20-2024 11:06 AM
Hey @Monkeyman3030, we wanted to check in to see whether you had any further questions or concerns. We hope to hear from you soon!
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