3 weeks ago
I received an email from Capital One with a $200 Discount for the meta quest 3, 512G headset with Batman deal, followed the link to make my purchase, and the discount is not showing up on my order. There’s no code in the email from Capital One, just the link to order the item as is how they send the discount usually. I’ve been on the fence about buying the headset due to cost concerns but was willing to purchase it with the additional $200 discount from Capital One, taking the cost down to $299.99. Attached is a screenshot of the email with the discount and item information if that helps.
3 weeks ago
I received the same email for $200 off. Clicked the link, added to cart, no discount. Does anyone know how to receive the discount? This one is significant.
3 weeks ago
Not sure who to contact at Meta to fix this issue either which makes me wonder about buying this product. And yes it is a significant offer which was the only reason I considered buying the product from Meta.
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