12-22-2024 06:18 AM
I have been having a persistent issue for the past 5 days with trying to buy games on the quest store. I try to buy a game and every time, it says there is an issue with receiving my payment. I was somehow able to buy one game during this time, and that was when I switched to a different card, but now any time I use that card I have a similar issue. I believe at first it was saying my original card, had too difficult authentication for meta to take payment from (which I do not understand why, since it had worked previously}, but now I keep getting a message, every time I try to purchase, that there was a problem with my request and they are trying to fix the problem. This has at least been the new message for 3 days. I am wondering is there somehow an issue with my account, and why it might be taking so long to resolve? Any ideas would be great, I have really been wanting to take advantage of the sales!
I also don't think its my cards cause I was able to delete and add both to payment and even see it communicate with my bank app for authentication.
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