01-02-2025 11:18 AM
The fact that I can’t cast from a child’s supposedly supervised account seems completely and utterly backwards! The whole point of setting up individual child account is surely to be able to monitor their play better? In setting up the kids accounts I’m unable to monitor their play really any better than I could on the main account I originally set up. Personally I actually think it’s worse at the moment (Only set up child account to make sure their saved data is separate in the games - so I’m hoping that is actually an option and this happens) When I was casting while they were playing from my main account, I was able to monitor what they were playing and when, plus being able to hear what other players were saying which was useful in gorilla tag at one point, when one user kept saying the f word and I didn’t want my son to hear it but still wanted him to be able to engage with children who were being really nice and helping him get to grips with the game. Thankfully he had the initiative to mute that specific player in the game because he was saying naughty words. If casting isn’t available on a child’s profile I really fail to see how I’m able to monitor them any better. Yes I can set time limits - I can quite easily do that with my phone alarm and just tell them to come off of it. Yes I can limit what apps they play - I can do that simply by telling them they are not to play them and check in with the casting to ensure they are abiding by rules I’ve set.
Not being able to cast on the child account through the app I’ve downloaded onto their iPads is a HUGE downfall!!! It makes it a hell of a lot easier when they need some help seeing what to do, as I’m not able to wear the headset and can talk them through step by step. It makes me wonder if the person who thought up child accounts actually has children because casting would actually be one of the main features I’d be putting in first. This is something meta seriously need to put in for their next update. I know I’m not alone in the amount of parents who think this lack of option is stupid & kind of defeats the object of being able to monitor their play better.
a month ago
The fact that they aren't addressing this issue is wild!
4 weeks ago
Hi @Loki.0725
Since my kids are grown, I don't have to deal with child accounts.....luckily😅
But I completely agree with you.
Casting from child accounts should be the most important feature for those accounts.
I hope for all parents that Meta will make casting for child accounts possible
4 weeks ago
I can’t wait for the time I don’t need child accounts!!
It’s just seems so silly. We’ve also discovered now in gorilla tag they can’t join any private rooms on a child’s account.🤯 So they can freely play with random strangers, but if for example we wanted them to play with friends in a ‘coded room’ for just their friends that no one else can join without the code, that’s not possible because it’s a child’s account. I genuinely fail to see how exactly a child’s account is better in any way at the moment. Less safety, less supervision. Boggles the mind really. These developers for meta and the apps really need a parents panel or to just take note of the hundreds of suggestions and actually implement them in good time.
4 weeks ago
I know right, especially with the amount of parents who have flagged this as a major issue for them.
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