01-06-2024 10:54 AM
My husband and I share a Metaquest 2 device. Right now, I am the only person who can live stream. When I try to livestream from my husband’s phone when he is logged into his account, it says another account is already paired. When I try to continue with pairing, the 5 digit code does not pop up when my husband is wearing the oculus. Is there a way of unpairing my account so that we can pair his that does not require a factory reset?
Also, through some unknown action, I have made my account the admin account and I don’t know if this makes any difference.
01-18-2024 02:24 PM
Hey there, @Skuzen! Casting is such a great way to share the wonderful world of VR gaming, so we wanted to pop in to share a little insight! By the way, at this time, only the admin account on the headset has the ability to cast, so any secondary accounts would not be able to cast. For more information on this feature and it's requirements, please check out this article and this one as well. The only way to change the admin account on the headset would be to factory reset then set up the headset with your preferred admin account. Although we know this is hardly the most ideal news to share, we are pretty glad to have been able to clear this up with you! Let us know if you have any further questions on casting or livestreaming, and we'll be happy to assist further!
01-19-2024 02:33 PM
Hey again, @Skuzen. If you are still having issues with pairing or casting, please let us know! We would love to assist however we can.
We also wanted to mention, the pairing code can be found in the headset settings under device information. Although as mentioned, only the admin account can do this without a Factory Reset to setup a new account as the admin.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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