02:09 PM
- last edited on
02:11 PM
my 11 year old has a Metaquest 3 and loves it. He's been playing it a lot, purchasing cosmetics, mods, and other things in various games. It turns out he's been using my account (never logged out / logged in as himself) when we purchased it, and I don't have a big problem with it because I monitor it and he asks me when he purchases stuff. But now Meta is sending emails informing me that he needs to use his own account. In general, I don't have a problem with that in general (in fact it's a good idea), but he spent so much money and effort on his games, and I'm being told that none of that transfers. Shiny Rocks in Gorilla Tag, Mods in other games, etc. He invested much of his allowance into his profiles.
How can I (a) either transfer all of his stuff into his account, or (b) perhaps modify my account to make it a kids profile account, hoping I can create a new parent account so that he can keep all his stuff. I'm not okay with all of his investment going to waste.
Thank You.
09-30-2024 02:24 PM
Hello There!
Thanks for reaching out about the account issue you are having.
We at Meta Quest Support want to do the best to get this rectified for you, so both you, and your son, can get back to enjoying the Quest.
You can create an account for your son, and link it to your parent account so that he can access the apps associate with the account.
Follow the easy to use Family Centre to create the new account, we have included a full list of steps on our Parent Managed Accounts page.
Please, if you have any questions, or any problems arise let us know by Private Message.
Thanks very much!
09-30-2024 03:10 PM
Thanks for your response. However, you are not seeing the issue.
My son has an account and it is linked to my account. I understand I can give him access to all apps previously purchased. However, I cannot pass on any in-app purchases he made, any cosmetics he bought within those apps, any mods he obtained, or any progress he made. Many of these cosmetics cost real-life money. He put much of his birthday / Christmas money into in-app purchases. All of that now seems lost.
I'd like to either transform my parent account into a child account and hand it over to him if I can create a new parent account and link them together, or -- if possible but it doesn't seem to be -- transfer all in-app purchases, cosmetics, mods, and progress to his child account.
Does that make sense?
Thank You.
10-24-2024 10:26 AM
any solution to your problem?
i experience the same problem.
I guess we're probably not the only parents in the world too.. Funny that Meta doesnt have a solution for this
10-24-2024 10:42 AM
Hey there,
Thank you for sharing your experience and welcome to the community forums.
I completely understand that your child not being able to access these purchased items on their new child account is disappointing for them as well as yourself.
As far as I am aware the sharing of add-ons/DLC is an option left to the developers of games to decide if it is implemented. If you have app sharing turned on similarly to the original poster then I am assuming that in this instance these games may not support add on sharing.
However I would still recommend contacting support directly just to double check if there is any way they can assist further and potentially remedy this issue. You can get in touch using the link below:
10-24-2024 12:30 PM
No solution that works, no. Meta provided me with a bunch of proposed solutions, but none of them worked. I don’t think Meta has accounted for this possibility, but I know for fact that many parents are having the same problem, they just don’t bother trying to resolve it and just continue to let their kids use the parent account. If Meta wants parents to adhere to Meta policy, Meta NEEDS to develop a solution for this problem since there is no way parents will just re-assign their children to the child account when that means the kids will lose what could be thousands of dollars spent on in game items and cosmetics.
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