11-25-2023 11:52 PM
Dear Community Support - some context first:
Issue: Student account request a free app. Parent account is notified, reviews & approves. Child logs into their Quest 3 and can 'Get', download and install the approved free app -- all good so far, BUT....
... Student account request pay for app. Parent account is notified, reviews, allows and proceeds to purchase. Parent purchases as a "Gift", is billed, receives a receipt, and a dialog box informs Parent 'Gift' has been sent. In the headset (Quest 3), student is notified that the Parent has 'Allowed' the paid for app. With notification that paid for app is ‘allowed’, Child is directed to the product screen with no option to ‘Get’, download, install as with the free app.
I have a slide deck documenting all of this. It has been a little expensive troubleshooting all of this as I purchase a number of apps to hopefully uncover the root cause to no avail. I have been at this for about a month. At this point, not being able to purchase the apps required to support the curriculum is beginning to slow down the courses.
Please help - thank you.
01-09-2024 08:27 AM
I'm also trying to find where the account setup for schools can be found on their site... And if I need my tech person to set it up or f I can do it on my own.
01-17-2024 09:56 AM
Hey there, @tlucey.2023. Thanks for reaching out! We definitely want to make sure your school is able to enjoy VR while learning, so we'd love to point you in the right direction in order to get up and running smoothly! While you can set up the devices yourself, we do want to make sure your schools Wi-Fi network has the following domains accessible:
As well, the following ports to allow outbound connections:
Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, do reach out to our Meta for Education team! They'd be happy to look further into your school's current Wi-Fi and more!
12-13-2024 12:50 PM
Meta never responded to this (they were happy to answer someone else in this thread, of course, but not the OP). Did you ever figure out how to resolve this? My daughter is having the same issue.
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