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Code of conduct issue and false complaint

Honored Guest

Here is a copy of an email i have just sent Meta.

So why am i being blamed and accused due to toxic people just randomly reporting and accusing others for no reason other than being nasty and toxic.

Good Afternoon,
I have just been sent an email stating i have violated your code of conduct, which i do not understand. Im not racist, sexist or violent and have never been. 
However i do believe i know the issue. We were talking about the differences about the UK and America, health care, violence and so on. This included how America charges 10k for a MRI and its free in the UK. As well as violence which included me saying that Chicago with guns is similar to London with knives on how similar each are. If you listen to the conversation no one was threatened or abused in anyway. All of a sudden someone accused me me of threatening to stab someone, which no offence i do not even live in London. That irock person i cant remember his full name but if you look and listen to what was said he just accused several people of things, he was racist with his remarks and i was the one that requested to vote him to be removed in the game due to his actions and racial comments. Which in game was successful and he was removed. Yesterday i just spoke to fickers if i remember the community guides representitives name, and we had no issues as im new to the VR horizons. So to be blamed for something i do not know what i did, nor was i violent , racist or sexist to anyone i am being accused and punished for something i did not do. There was one other guy with irock who was also similar but i did not get his name as i could not find him to report him also. But please feel free to check yourselves. I have nothing to hide. Also i would like to know what ive done exactly so if i did make an error i know in future not to do, or say something similar again.
Will i be banned now, or what will happen as i have done nothing wrong as far as i am aware. 
So you are also aware, i have mental health issues which include anxiety and suicide, this game or should i say VR in general keeps me occupied and busy to stop me from doing and acting on my issues. Even now writing this im shaking, stressed and upset due to being accused of afraid of being banned for what i do not know what i have done wrong. 
Please advise on this.
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