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Combating nausea with the DK2?

Honored Guest
Hello all this is my first thread!
I am not sure if this belongs in this section, but seeing as how motion sickness is a known issue with VR I think it fits. I am loving my DK2, and enjoying every second I have it on. I have been gaming for 20+ years, and have never experienced anything like the Oculus Rift. That being said, I cannot use it for more than 20 minutes straight at a time, without getting very nauseous. Matter of fact, I have never had motion sickness in my entire life until I used it(been on ships, planes, rides etc....never once). I have narrowed it down to three main suspects.

1. The foam smell:
I find the smell absolutely revolting. It smells like industrial grade rubber, that has been melted and it is directly in my nose. I am leaning towards this being the culprit, but it wouldnt explain the after effects of when I take the headset off.

2. The plastic lens film:
The original film that covers the lens in the box......yea I still didnt remove it yet. After hearing the horror stories of the lens getting "easily scratched", I of course was too paranoid to take off the film(I know im probably missing out). This leads to a minor drop in quality, but seeing as how it can "blur" the lens a little, maybe this is causing the nausea?

3. The actual VR:
VR isn't new. Whether it be 3D glasses, training simulators or gaming on certain technology, motion sickness has always been around.

I am leaning more towards the foam being the cause. I cant imagine getting "high" off foam, while wearing a screen on your face is a good combo. But instead of spraying my foam with cologne like some suggested(id have a heart attack), I would like the community's take on how they use their DK2s without getting sick. Any feedback is much appreciated. Now that there is no longer 8 million threads on shipping, I am hoping to get some technical feedback from my fellow engineers. 😄

Honored Guest
I think it might be the other way around with the foam smell. You are buliding an associating with feeling sick everytime you smell that particular foam smell.

VR makes a lot of people sick (including myself) and its a different type of sick compared with motion sickness. Its a lot more like when you feel sick because the room is spinning after you've had too much to drink. The body thinks you may have ingested a toxin and is reacting to the mismatch of stimulus.

Honored Guest
if I run without vsync then I get very fluid tracking and no problem at all ( LFS )

my PC runs fps in the 100's which helps ( i7 2600k @ 4.5ghz + gtx Titan @ 1140mhz core )

for first person titles when I'm moving the mouse to control turning etc I get some nausea then -I think for VR we need a walk pad so we turn our bodies etc for these titles -will be even more immersion then too

( I mainly do sim race titles & as your in a car there isn't a problem

Honored Guest
"absolutedisgrace" wrote:
I think it might be the other way around with the foam smell. You are buliding an associating with feeling sick everytime you smell that particular foam smell.

VR makes a lot of people sick (including myself) and its a different type of sick compared with motion sickness. Its a lot more like when you feel sick because the room is spinning after you've had too much to drink. The body thinks you may have ingested a toxin and is reacting to the mismatch of stimulus.
Yea I have heard this before. I would air out the foam, but again being paranoid, I dont like to leave it out in the open(I put it in the box after use). This definitely makes more sense, seeing as how I don't get dizzy. Its just instant nausea after playing too long. I have seen a video on youtube about cutting a sleeve off an old shirt and wrapping it around the foam to prevent the smell. Ill probably try this technique. Thanks for the reply.
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