08-30-2014 12:16 AM
08-30-2014 05:02 AM
08-30-2014 05:21 AM
08-30-2014 04:05 PM
"absolutedisgrace" wrote:Yea I have heard this before. I would air out the foam, but again being paranoid, I dont like to leave it out in the open(I put it in the box after use). This definitely makes more sense, seeing as how I don't get dizzy. Its just instant nausea after playing too long. I have seen a video on youtube about cutting a sleeve off an old shirt and wrapping it around the foam to prevent the smell. Ill probably try this technique. Thanks for the reply.
I think it might be the other way around with the foam smell. You are buliding an associating with feeling sick everytime you smell that particular foam smell.
VR makes a lot of people sick (including myself) and its a different type of sick compared with motion sickness. Its a lot more like when you feel sick because the room is spinning after you've had too much to drink. The body thinks you may have ingested a toxin and is reacting to the mismatch of stimulus.
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