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Comparing two HMDs with same sensor set up?

Honored Guest
I have a replacement Rift arriving in the next day or two, I'm looking forward to comparing it with my current unit which has had focus problems giving me eye-strain and bad headaches.

Obviously to compare effectively I want to minimise the time between trying one then the other.

With this in mind I'm wondering about the whole calibration process. Will I have to go through that - ie setting up the new sensors etc - with the new Rift or can I just swap the HMD itself?
Is the HMD somehow 'paired' with the sensors with which it's calibrated, or will my current sensors in their current position just instantly pick up the new HMD?

I want to look at Elite Dangerous on both units.
If I have to go through the faff of complete set up and calibration between both examinations then the imagery from my current unit might not be so fresh in my mind by the time I try the new unit - and comparative judgement might be more difficult.

So what do you reckon? For the purpose of quick comparison will just swapping in the new HMD with my current sensor setup be fine?

I feel like you are just looking at this wrong. Just use the headset and play. Dont put the headset on and start actively trying to decide how it compares and start counting the pixels. Maybe your giving yourself a headache. Also make sure too not have the haedset too tight on your head. 

You shouldnt see much if any of a difference in headsets. They are both the same..., 

Honored Guest
Thanks cleanupdisc - a very good point.
But at the end of the day I will have to send one of the units back so a comparison is a reasonable step towards making that decision.
So I'd still like to get a response to my original question if anyone has any idea.
Thanks folks!

Expert Protege
No harm in just trying a straight swap, though I can imagine the calibration of the internal sensors might be HMD specific.

I'm more curious about how the Oculus client reports the connection of multiple HMDs, so you might give that a try?
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