01-07-2025 06:59 AM
How do I make a complaint to about my headset that's literally days out of warranty and no one will help??
01-07-2025 07:12 AM
@ItsJackhahaha what is wrong with the headset?
01-07-2025 07:18 AM
Hi. The screen is stuck in usb update mode with a constant scrolling cursor
I can't do anything.
01-07-2025 07:40 AM
@ItsJackhahaha are you able to turn the headset off by holding the power button for 30 seconds +
I'm guessing, as it goes into update mode and keeps scrolling, the volume rocker switch is stuck in the - volume position. Try holding down the + volume to see if that stops the scrolling, or press the power button with the +volume button depressed. The switch can't do + and - at the same time.
01-07-2025 07:56 AM
No i can't turn the headset off. Holding the power button does nothing.
When I press the volume + button the scrolling stops at whatever option it's on but as soon as I let go again it continues
01-07-2025 08:05 AM
@ItsJackhahaha well you've just confirmed the - volume rocker switch is struck. Is there any way of prising the - side up slightly to un-jam it.
If you can press the + button and get it to land on turn off. Keep the + button pressed and press the power button to see if it will now turn off.
01-07-2025 08:12 AM
Hhmm, not sure about prising the side up but I'll take a look.
I have tired stopping it on turn off and holding the power button but that does nothing. Even when pressed for a good minute.
01-07-2025 08:55 AM
@ItsJackhahaha well if you don't manage to fix it you could always try contacting @metaquestsupport, but don't expect to get any meaningful help as they're all bots.
01-07-2025 08:58 AM
Yeah i tried that and just got told to buy another one. This one is literally days out of warranty. I'm fuming.
Thank you for your help though, you've made some great suggestions and I will look into that volume switch
01-07-2025 09:07 AM
@ItsJackhahaha if you're a bit handy with a screwdriver, there are some great tutorials on YT on how to strip it down to access the volume control. Or sell it on ebay for parts or not working. Neither of these are ideal solutions, but these are your only options. Good luck.
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