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Connection test was not able to start. Please try again. (1971063)

Honored Guest

Quest is connected to a USB 3 port on my computer and the software recognizes that. It won't run this test however. I'm using a Dell XPS 15. I tried it on my desktop and it kinda works but the graphics card on it wont support it which is why I wanna use my laptop.

Additional Info:

Steam VR on my laptop won't recognize my Quest either. My desktop will though.

SideQuest on both computers recognize the Quest.



Honored Guest
Yeah mine get's stuck at 0% and stays there forever, it's really annoying.

Honored Guest
I just upgraded my PC to meet the Oculus Link requirement but I am running into the same connection test issue as everyone here. From what I read here it seems that some of you only experienced the test failure, but can still play Rift or Steam VR games properly. For me it is not only the test failing, but also no content is being shown when enabling the Oculus Link from the Quest Home. That essentially prevents me from using Quest 2 as a PC VR device. Anyone with this problem has a fix yet?


I just upgraded my PC to meet the Oculus Link requirement but I am running into the same connection test issue as everyone here. From what I read here it seems that some of you only experienced the test failure, but can still play Rift or Steam VR games properly. For me it is not only the test failing, but also no content is being shown when enabling the Oculus Link from the Quest Home. That essentially prevents me from using Quest 2 as a PC VR device. Anyone with this problem has a fix yet?

Did you read this thread ?

for anyone with this issue, something to check is if you get the connect disconnect sound when you plug in your quest 2. in my case (port just plainly unsupported for some reason support cant help with) at some point my port/driver would bug saying the quest 2 was connected when in truth it wasnt (normally it would connect, then disconnect nearly instantly and then repeat), the rift software would show connected, and i could try to do a cable test but it would fail. so if you unplug it and it still says connected, your USB port bugged.

Honored Guest
Any solutions? I'm having the same problem

Honored Guest
Same problem. I want to connect to oculus home pc with link cable. In the oculus pc application it detects my glasses perfectly connected but when I want to launch it in VR it does not respond and returns to the oculus quest menu.
The problem coincides with the upgrade of the glasses. Before I could play without problems and the link connection tests were good. Right now I can't play pc games

Honored Guest
I have the exact same problem that deked2 just described, all was fine before the update.

Specs: Intel 8700K, RTX 2080, 32GB DDR4-3200 RAM, Win10.

Honored Guest
hey, I got this problem too, already send ticket but the reply is not helping at all. usb link problem but why I need to cover any windows, mirrors or reflective surfaces? I really want to play asgard 😞

Honored Guest
I have had problems for over a month, tried multiple cables and ideas from the internet. I have Intel HD graphics integrated plus a Radeon RX560 pci-e GPU in a desktop system. The things I have found lately that finally got it working was to use an older AMD driver - version 20.11. 1 specifically. Also to get the usb 3 connection working correctly, I needed to revert back to the NON beta versions of oculus quest and oculus link app. This got me to a GREEN connection status, but the USB 3 test wouldn't complete or even start until I saw this post, so this was a winner! Everything is working well now! What a headache. BTW I am using a 16ft cable from Amazon ( Compatible for Oculus Quest 2 Link Cable 16FT, Kuject VR Headset Cable for Oculus Quest 2 / Quest 1 / Rift S, USB 3.0 Type C to C High Speed Data Transfer Charging Cord for Gaming PC & USB C Chargers )  http and now after all this it is working great. Thanks Brian Burst k14bmclm4t4j.jpg
Also I should note I'm using the Rosewill RC-20003 PCIe 2 Ports (2 Type-C) USB 3.2 Gen 2 Host Adapter in my motherboard.

Honored Guest

Hi guys, found a solution that worked for me, my problem was specifically related to the AMD system. It was defaulting to the integrated graphics and not my 1660ti. Someone posted a solution on reddit, sorry don't have a link.

So, right click the deskTop -> display settings -> scroll down to Graphics Settings -> Choose an app to select preference -> choose classic app -> Browse -> ADD the following files -> 1) OVR Redir 2) OVR Service Launcher 3) OVR Server_x64.exe. Set them to High Performance Graphics, not integrated as they are now.

They can be found here -> C:>Program Files>Oculus>Support>Oculus-Runtime Folder

My Oculus Link works perfectly now, so pleased to get this worked out, 1660ti/4800H is a budget beast!

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