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Contacting Oculus Support - Tips and Tricks

Just a few tips for anybody contacting Oculus Support, they appear to be very busy and it took a while for my problem to be sorted. If you include the following information in your initial ticket application, it may speed things along. This is a direct cut and paste from my initial correspondence, it may help you straight away.

"Thanks for contacting us about this issue. I apologize for any delays in response. Currently we're at a very high volume and this issue was escalated so we're trying our best to get through them as quickly as possible. If you haven't done so already please Remove the Headset Cable From Your Rift by following that article and then plug it back in on both ends to make sure there isn't a loose connection in the computer or the back of the headset. It's worth trying to wiggle it to make sure it's all the way in place as well. If you're using any adapters please try plugging it directly into the HDMI port on the graphics card where the primary display is connected.

It would be helpful if you could include a dxdiag report & logs in your next response too.

DXDiag Report:

  • To do this, open up the Start menu and type dxdiag.
  • Run the resulting program, and after it has finished running the diagnostics, click the 'Save All Information' button.
  • This will output a log to a .txt. file that you can attach to your next response

Report Logs:

  • Open the run window (Windows key + R)
  • Enter and run: C:\program files(x86)\oculus\support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusLogGatherer.exe
  • Wait for the executable file to pop up
  • Ensure the “hours to gather” is set to 24 hours
  • Fill out the questions and details on the form (the more details you can provide, the more it will help)
  • Click the button Gather Logs (it automatically generates a zip file and copies the zip to the clipboard so you can paste it to your desktop)

Also when you have a moment please send me the following information as well:

  • The serial number of your Rift unit - located at the bottom of your Rift box
  • Your current shipping address"
Hope this helps and be persistent, they are busy but if you keep on them (use the forum and Facebook, they are owned by a social media company after all), they can be quite quick to respond.



Honored Guest
@mystamac Thnx for your advice. Done all things you recomended. Hope this all speed things up.
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