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Controller-free PC Gaming forQuest 3 with AirLink or LinkCable

Honored Guest


I think approaching 2025 we live in a technologically advanced world where it should be absoulutely possible to:

1) Start PC

2) Sit in your Sim-Racing Rig

3) Turn on Quest 3 and put it on your head

4) After booting of Quest 3 it automatically connects with your PC and goes DIRECTLY to desktop view and if you have more than one monitor they come side by side automatically.


Im reading posts from 2022 where people are trying to reach desktop view without needing to use a Quest Controller and it incredibly annoys me as you might see. How was this still not added yet? I have to change batteries and keeping the controllers on my desk only because I have to make 4 stupid clicks: 1: QuestLink 2: Connect Link 3: Desktop View 4: Choose either left or right monitor. I might seem like a small thing but its just an inconvenience that tackles me and many others every single day and it seems like an extremely easy thing to make a setting for.


How can this not be added as an option?! There are still many people that give a **bleep** on standalone features and just want to use the Quest 3 with a PC.


I have read that there was an experimental option in V59 to automatically start QuestLink when USB Link was detected, but that option seems to not be present anymore in V72. 


Thank you


Expert Consultant

The option is still there, bottom of the advanced settings menu. My Q3 (on v71) automatically starts Link when the cable is plugged in.

Fundamentally though, Meta would prefer it if nobody used their headsets for PCVR. All the money from PCVR sales goes to Steam. That's why they deprioritise it so much.

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