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Controllers not working in game but fine in menu.

Honored Guest

When i turn on my headset it all works fine and i can navigate the menu to but once i go into a game i have no control over the game and sometimes see the thing you are holding in the menu of the game just floating. i also can not just press the meta button and i have to spam it to open the bug report menu. once that is open i can quit the game. this happens in every single game on my oculus and i have tried things like resetting headset, putting new battery's into controllers repairing and recalibrating controllers and nothing is working. it is very strange and i think that the game thinks you have a menu open when you really don't. i sometimes also see (in game) the rays from the controllers (you see when interacting with a menu) and the noises of the menu without ever seeing it or being able to interact with it. all the other things on the headset seem to work like the browser and YouTube VR. i have no more ideas on what to do, can someone please help me.


Honored Guest

update- I tried to link it to my PC with a link cable and i was stuck on a loading screen and had to open the bug report to get to the menu and had to unplug the headset from my PC to do anything else on the headset.


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