3 weeks ago
Hi before putting money after games i would like to get confirmation on how it works.
I am looking at buying Arizona sunshine 1/2 to play on meta quest2. Standalone gaming with no pc connected.
I know i get the poor graphics and all.
But the question is. The game is crossbuy.
So did i understand it correct i get the meta store pc version also. So when i hook up to a pc it will be with improved graphics and shadows etc?
And how about the progress made standalone. Will it transfer over to pc. Or does one start all over?
3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
I don't have a compatible PC but in answer to your question YES you will be able to get the PC versions of the games from the Quest\Rift store without repurchasing. The button changes to [GET £XXX.XX]
As far as progress made I would not have thought so as they are really different gaming systems.
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