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Cursor stuck in center of virtual screen in fullscreen shooter games.
Honored Guest

Hello! I wanted to use my quest 3 as a large monitor for flat gaming but when i open up the game and start shooting people the cursor is locked to the center of the screen which is how shooters keep you aiming at the center. The issue is i can still see my cursor. I can only see this cursor through the headset if i take the headset off the cursor is not there. It also isnt there if i were to open the app using something like Virtual Desktop but using the link software that takes me into PCVR and then opening up my window with my game leaves my cursor dead in the middle of my screen it is very immersion breaking and i see this has been an issue for a while. Is there really no fix for this? its quite disappointing. Steam VR is too laggy for me to use along side a flat game rift vr was perfect but the cursor in the middle makes it pretty much unplayable also.


Hi again @Einys, thank you for your reply.


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