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DK2: Direct mode failing?

Honored Guest
DK2, Win7, SDK 0.4.0, Firmware 2.11

Extended mode works fine but HMD doesn't display using Direct mode even using the Demo Scene, orange light doesn't switch to blue.

So far tried, reinstalling, different USB ports, DVI instead of HDMI.

Any help would be appreciated.
285 REPLIES 285

Honored Guest
1_ did you check the checkbox "DK1 comptability" in the oculus config ?
2_ when you launche a game, do you have oculus config launched as well ?

3_ if the rift is the primary screen, how are you doing to launch the démos ? you shall not see it in your normal screen.
And more importantly, how do you choose on wich screen the démo will be launched?

4_ how can you be sure the games are running 75hz ?

5_ Does the "direct mode" in oculus config, work ?

6_ if I understand well, if you go in windowed mode, everything is working fine ? you don't have the "flickering" mode anymore ? (flickering is due to the computer trying to find a good supported resolution)

7_ what is your normal computer screen maximum frequency ? does it support 75hz ?

8_ what is your desktop setting (duplicate / extended / desktop only on normal screen / desktop only on rift / only the rift screen is activated)

Heroic Explorer
Just an update to my previous post, where I gave details of the Oculus supplied demos not working.

I can successfully use the Ocean Rift demo:

I've only tried in Direct mode, it works well. So this proves there isn't anything wrong with my setup. It seems to be a simple crash, something overlooked in the Oculus demo code.
Live for Speed -

Not applicable
So outside of the demo scene in the configuration utility, my freshly arrived DK2 will simply not work at all in "direct HMD access" mode - black screen, orange light on the HMD. The demo scene worked just once in "direct" mode, but never again. But that isn't even really the problem, because:

Despite having spent the better part of literally 14 18 (not kidding, UPS came at around noon, is now 6am) hours attempting to diagnose these problems, using "extend" mode, things work great sometimes. I get a nice clean stable 75FPS in the demo scene, Couch Knights, Euro Truck Simulator 2, and a few other non-Unity demos. Interestingly, "Ocean Rift" is the only demo which works properly - I get head tracking, positional tracking, 75FPS low persistence (man, what a beautiful thing), everything.

But most other Unity demos, I get no joy. Here are the symptoms:

  • In "direct HMD access" mode, almost all demos (including the demo scene) simply crash. When this happens, I seem to get this: in my Event Viewer. Direct HMD access is pretty rubbish for me - like I said, it's worked a single time with the demo scene and never again.
  • In the vast majority of Unity demos (using a '-adapter 1' command line switch), they launch on the HMD but have no head or positional tracking whatsoever, but otherwise work perfectly. Before you ask, these are demos compiled with the 0.4 SDK (such as CyberSpace, the Helix coaster, Infinity Drive-in, etc.).
  • Occasionally, things will get sort of "stuck", and nothing will open on the Rift. Things will only appear (in full screen) on my main monitor. To be clear, *this is an unrelated issue* and I'm just listing the symptom to be thorough. On demos that work, the tracking works just fine in windowed mode or when displayed on the wrong monitor.
  • The camera is working fine and has a blue light on it at all times. Unlike some other folks, the configuration utility picks up both the Rift and camera just fine (I actually had to unplug and replug the cables on the HMD itself to get it to see it, though).
  • Non-Unity demos seem to work okay as I said - Couch Knights worked perfectly for example. A single unity demo worked perfectly, and that was Ocean Rift.
  • On a few of the Unity demos, the "warning stuff" displays, with a "press any key to acknowledge" type thing. Pressing the any key doesn't do anything at all. It eventually goes away on its own.

Things I have tried which have not worked:

  • I have a few things which have been reported to conflict with DK2 and even DK1. I have shut down and uninstalled (and subsequently rebooted) Logitech Gaming Software and DisplayFusion. I've also tried shutting down Synergy, Pinnacle Game Profiler, TeamSpeak, my web browsers, MSI Afterburner, FRAPS, and other things (though I didn't actually uninstall them).
  • I have installed the latest nVidia drivers, which were released the other day.
  • Rebooted several times.
  • Ensure I'm using USB 2.0 ports, and also ports which are directly attached to the motherboard (eg. not ones plugged into a USB header on the board or a USB hub), and tried various different USB ports.
  • Unplugging and re-plugging the cables from the HMD.
  • Launching demos with and without the Oculus configuration utility running.
  • Checked and unchecked "DK1 Legacy App Support" (seems to be DK1 only anyway).
  • Every one of the possible fixes I've found - such as turning the HMD on and off, shutting down werscript.exe and killing OVRService_x64.exe, adding '-force-d3d11' to the command line for Unity demos in "direct" mode, etc.
  • I have a multi-monitor setup. In fact, I have four monitors not including the Rift (three main and my TV). I've tried not just disabling but physically unplugging all of the other monitors. This has no effect - it works fine in the few demos which work with the other monitors plugged in, unlike DK1.
  • I have tried "disable SLI" (I have two 780Ti cards, just for reference), "surround" mode, and "activate all displays" in the nVidia control panel.
  • Attempting to launch both the "direct" and non-"direct" .exe's for demos which have both, in both "direct" and non-"direct" modes (four ways total). In every case with the "direct" version, the program crashes either immediately (demo scene) or within a few seconds.
  • Installed all available Windows updates. I have MSVC10 installed, and I've got the latest MSVC redistributables (both x86 and x64).
  • Restarting the OVR service via the configuration utility (Tools -> Advanced -> Restart Service).
  • Reinstalled the entire driver and config package (oculus_runtime_rev_1_sdk_0.4.0_win.exe). Several times. Complete uninstall and reinstall, including an uninstall and removing every reference I could find in the registry for "Oculus".
  • Rebooted no less than 47 times. No exaggeration.
  • memtest86, just to be absolutely sure there's nothing wonky going on with other hardware.
  • Setting the Rift to be the "primary" display.
  • All combinations of the above in every conceivable order. I'm not kidding when I say 14 hours.

And now, I'm completely at a loss. Help? 🙂

Here's a 'dxdiag' in case it may be useful:

EDIT: The following fixed *one* demo:

Delete this folder:


And re-create your profile. It seems the left-over DK1 stuff was making things get confused.

Other demos are still broken concerning any sort of head tracking.

EDIT 2: That "fix" did not survive a reboot. It fixed two or three demos, at least until I rebooted to make sure everything would still be working. Back to square one.

Not applicable
I have the very same problem, Direct mode only works with the world demo (tuscany) and the show demo. Nothing else works with this mode but I`ve tried Elite on extended and it works. The -force thing solves it in some demos but doesn´t look like a permanent solution.

My Pc´s an i7-4770K, Windows 8.1 64bits, GTX 780

Honored Guest
1) I don't see how I'm able to set the Rift as the Primary Display, in the nvidia control panel it always shows as Display 2, and 2) Whenever I run in Extended, the view inside of the Rift just seems smushed together and not right at all. It's almost as if the 2 eyes views are either reversed, not lined up properly, or something. All I know is it just doesn't look right.

I'm not entirely sure how the Nvidia control center differs from the AMD one. Make sure remember to rotate the screen to portrait for the DK2, since it scans in the opposite direction to normal monitors. A "smushed" screen sounds like a resolution issue, make sure you are extending the monitor display in the Nvidia control panel, not duplicating it. The primary screen will be the one where windows shoves all of your desktop icons, there should some way of switching between using your monitor and the DK2 as the primary in the Nvidia control panel. Games should always launch onto the primary screen when running an extended desktop.

Honored Guest
Direct mode failing for everything apart from a single Unity demo called Kon Tiki (I have most of the demos out there for unity at the moment.) These demos have all been compiled against the 0.4 SDK and have a direct to rift mode launcher, but they just don't work, when I double click direct to rift launcher on any unity demo it just doesnt respond, nothing happens.

Rift display mode is set to direct with DK1 legacy support on.

I used the force dx11 parameter on some demos and it works after a crash but I cant play it for long without going completely green(ill) :geek: :mrgreen: :ugeek: :cry: :oops:

The judder is immensely discomforting/nausea inducing.

Windows 8.1, SDK 0.4, Firmware 2.11
Radeon HD 5900
Core i7 930

The Oculus Config demo scene works fine, no judder.
The Kon Tiki demo seems to work fine, I cant notice any perceptible judder.
Also the Cyberspace demo seems ok.

Everything else.... :---O===========SSSS (<-- Spew)

Honored Guest
Managed to get Polyworld running. Its running at 200+fps and the judder is still there, my eyes!! :shock:

Honored Guest
"gallantpigeon" wrote:
1) I don't see how I'm able to set the Rift as the Primary Display, in the nvidia control panel it always shows as Display 2, and 2) Whenever I run in Extended, the view inside of the Rift just seems smushed together and not right at all. It's almost as if the 2 eyes views are either reversed, not lined up properly, or something. All I know is it just doesn't look right.

I'm not entirely sure how the Nvidia control center differs from the AMD one. Make sure remember to rotate the screen to portrait for the DK2, since it scans in the opposite direction to normal monitors. A "smushed" screen sounds like a resolution issue, make sure you are extending the monitor display in the Nvidia control panel, not duplicating it. The primary screen will be the one where windows shoves all of your desktop icons, there should some way of switching between using your monitor and the DK2 as the primary in the Nvidia control panel. Games should always launch onto the primary screen when running an extended desktop.

See that's what I don't get.....everyone on here says to rotate the screen to Portrait but when I do that on my PC, when I look through the Rift it's oriented the wrong way. If I have it to Landscape, the desktop/games look correct in the Rift. When I change it to Portrait in the properties, it's flipped the wrong way. So maybe that part is the problem because Portrait just does not look right for me, at all. When I look at the desktop through the Rift in Landscape the orientation is correct, it just looks very strange and is difficult to control. I really don't know how to describe it but the windows just all kind of look like they blend together, and it just feels off. I've tried to tell the nvidia panel to make the Oculus the primary display, but it always seems to switch back and things don't launch within it whenever I have it set as the primary.

Sorry...but it's just frustrating. I tend to be pretty good with computers and am able to figure things out, but this just seems difficult to solve. I HAVE played things properly within the Rift, the new Helix Rollercoaster demo for example. It seems to me that the only things I can ever get to work properly are demos that have a "Direct to Rift" exe file. Everything else (Radial G for example) just doesn't seem to want to work in a way that's worth playing.

I was also kind of able to get the Dolphin Emulator running, but as I mentioned above the screen just does not look right, the FOV is very compressed and I can just tell it's not outputting the way it's supposed to.

Same issue here. -force-d3d11 fixes some demos, but without it nothing works apart from Tuscany and Desk. Extended mode works just fine.

nVidia GTX670 connected via HDMI.

Honored Guest
For completeness:

I had the same problem as OP with DK2 not working in direct access mode when launching the desk demo from the config util. Disabling the secondary monitor in NVidia Control Panel fixed this.

I saw some comments about cards not supporting more than two screen but have more ports. That is not the case with my GTX690. I usually use 3 monitors and pull one out to hock up the rift.

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