07-25-2014 06:16 AM
08-01-2014 01:13 AM
08-01-2014 02:18 AM
08-01-2014 02:35 AM
08-01-2014 02:44 AM
08-01-2014 04:19 AM
1) I don't see how I'm able to set the Rift as the Primary Display, in the nvidia control panel it always shows as Display 2, and 2) Whenever I run in Extended, the view inside of the Rift just seems smushed together and not right at all. It's almost as if the 2 eyes views are either reversed, not lined up properly, or something. All I know is it just doesn't look right.
08-01-2014 07:21 AM
08-01-2014 08:19 AM
08-01-2014 09:10 AM
"gallantpigeon" wrote:1) I don't see how I'm able to set the Rift as the Primary Display, in the nvidia control panel it always shows as Display 2, and 2) Whenever I run in Extended, the view inside of the Rift just seems smushed together and not right at all. It's almost as if the 2 eyes views are either reversed, not lined up properly, or something. All I know is it just doesn't look right.
I'm not entirely sure how the Nvidia control center differs from the AMD one. Make sure remember to rotate the screen to portrait for the DK2, since it scans in the opposite direction to normal monitors. A "smushed" screen sounds like a resolution issue, make sure you are extending the monitor display in the Nvidia control panel, not duplicating it. The primary screen will be the one where windows shoves all of your desktop icons, there should some way of switching between using your monitor and the DK2 as the primary in the Nvidia control panel. Games should always launch onto the primary screen when running an extended desktop.
08-01-2014 09:46 AM
08-01-2014 01:50 PM
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