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DK2, Win10, Quadro4000

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Like many others, I've run into the same issue where I run the Oculus setup, it searches for the HMD, says that it is connected, locates my sensor and then shuts down the Oculus app. 

This happens even after a clean re-install of win10 pro, 64bit. I've only re-installed the latest Nvidia Drivers and the Oculus app and nothing else on the system. Like many others, I am a little disappointed in the support or resolutions provided so far by Oculus on this matter for the DK2. It worked perfectly a week ago until an auto update may have made my system obsolete?! Hence my app development is now at a standstill. May have to switch to a better HMD provider if this is the support I am to expect from Oculus.

Would love to stay so please provide me and everyone else a solid fix for this issue.

Thank you,

Will even the DK1 work with this card?
Has it worked ever with this card?
Certainly not meant for VR.

Not applicable
Hi Colin,

The DK2 worked perfectly with the Quadro 4000 in Unity5 in win10 and win7. It is definitely not a hardware issue since I have 3 workstations with 3 Quadro 4000s to test on. I have been developing with the DK2 in win7 on the Quadro 4000 for over a year with perfect results with no hardware upgrades. I've also been developing on win10 , DK2, Quardo 4000 for a good 6 months with better results and frame rates well over 90, until updating the Oculus app. After the Oculus update, the app identifies the hardware (HMD and sensor) and then shuts down and fails to shot up as a device. I am now unable to roll back a version to keep my development moving forward. Would love to hear from Oculus if they plan to release a patch to address this issue.
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