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Dance Central VR Network offline

Honored Guest

I know I'm not the first one to mention it and I'm sure that I won't be the last.
"Dance Central" would be an absolut amazing game. It is really fun to play and beautiful to look at. But it's unacceptable, that most features aren't usable. The game won't safe, the store, the challenges and the lounge are not accessible.
I guess all those problems are majorly because the Network is offline, since I tried every mentioned solution (reinstall, authorization, login...)  . It is also listed on the game information, that it doesn't need internet access, with is not true Since it DOES need a connection to the mentioned Network. I don't know if the network problem is on Meta's end, Harmonix or Epic Games, but someone need to do something about it. Or at least give out the information, that the game won't be fully accessible anymore.

Any kind of solution would be very much appreciated.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Heya @Noot_das_Schaf. We know how concerning this is for you. We get how fun Dance Central VR can be and we do want you to have the chance to fully experience it. When it comes to network being offline in the game, that would be something the developers of the game have going on. 


With that being said, we wouldn't have any resources to look into this further to try and fix this for you. However we do believe getting in contact with the developers of Dance Central VR, will give you a better chance at getting this issue resolved. 


We do wish you the best and hope that you get the answers you're looking for. 

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Honored Guest

@MetaQuestSupport Do you know what happened with the game ?  

Hey @skullz3ro! Thanks for tagging us, as we'd love to help point you in the right direction.

When it comes to specific game questions, we do recommend reaching out to the developers as they'd have the proper in-depth information of their app.

We hope they're able to provide a speedy resolution!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

I have dance central and I can no longer access it it's very aggravating. I loved that game.

Hey there @Judyz3! Thank you for reaching out to us regarding this issue. We sure know that it's a bummer whenever we aren't able to access or play our games so we would love to assist you with this matter. You can contact Harmonix, the developers of the game, directly when you click HERE. We hope this helps! Have a great day!

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