04-21-2017 04:45 PM
04-21-2017 05:17 PM
04-21-2017 06:36 PM
04-22-2017 02:23 PM
04-22-2017 09:31 PM
10-10-2018 07:38 AM
10-10-2018 08:19 AM
Even though auto updates might be disabled, this does not apply to the core updates, those happen in the background, regardless of the auto-update setting.
Constellation said:
I'm seeing my C: drive pegged at 100% active time quite often. From the Resource Monitor I can see that OVRLibraryService.exe is doing a bunch of work and all the Disk Activity is with files that are within the Oculus directory. This is without the client running, just the services running in the background. I have Automatic App Updates turned off in the client settings so I'm not sure why it's doing all this work.Are others still having this issue?
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