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Default Download Location Error - Multi-User PC

Honored Guest

New to Meta Quest, having just purchased a Meta Quest 3.  I'm having a really difficult time with Meta Quest Link software.  First of all, I couldn't get the software to install due to my Windows 11 account having spaces in the name (well-known issue it seems).  I created a local user account with admin perms and was successfully able to install Meta Quest Link.

Having solved the installation issue... I returned to my normal Windows 11 account (default Administrator).  I double click on the Meta Quest Link and I get the following:


Note that this is the default location that works with the local account (no spaces in the account name).  If I select Change Location and enter a new path (even from Root) it still returns the same error, and it never enables Continue (it remains greyed out regardless).

This seems to be a permissions issue, but I can't figure out what.  I've examined both users (accounts) and matched the permissions in the security tab with zero luck.

I've looked at other posts related and it appears that most are taken to PM without a satisfactory resolution listed (or follow up after the resolution was made over in private chats).

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