4 weeks ago
I bought the Demeo Ultimate Bundle some time ago. Now I can't see the bundle in my library. I had also other stuff in time but only some of it shows up in my library.
Additionaly. I had this kind of problems during my six-month quest plus trial period and I could neither use it properly nor enjoy it because games disappeared, my access was cut off, etc.
I never buy anything from the Quest Store and I use other platforms to buy VR games and apps. I don't think I will ever think about it in the future. I have only one request, identify my purchases, including the Demeo Ultimate Bundle, to my account. YOU ONLY HAD ONE JOB.
4 weeks ago
Hey @burakai,
We understand it could be concerning to have your purchases missing from the library and therefore, if you have made the purchases officially from the Meta store itself, we'd request you to send us a PM so that we could collect the relevant details and look further into it for you.
Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
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