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Desperate to get into locked account.

Honored Guest

I know this is not the correct space, but please read 🙏 please put me in contact with the right people.

In July, my FB account ( was suddenly signed out of my phone and PC without any explanation and I have not been able to log back in since. I don't believe there was any wrongdoing on my part. A couple months later, on the Meta Account Manager page, I saw that the account status is locked. No explanation, no mention of duration.

Any time I try to login in to the account, it just says "sorry, something went wrong." The FB help pages just run you in an infinite loop of suggestions. The only way to attempt to contact someone it to select "no" on "was this helpful?" but I've used that form 5-6 times now and have never heard back from anyone.

I'm a creator on the platform, with both my profile and one of my pages being on the performance bonus program. I need to regain access to my account to continue to provide content. Additionally, my page is set up to run an ad indefinitely - meaning it's been running for six months without me being able to control it at all(!) My son is a mod for my page, but not a full admin.

This experience has been incredibly stressful. I just wish to get back into my account so that I can continue to provide art and humor to the FB community.



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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.

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