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Desynchronization between headset position and video feed


Evening, I've been playing after the fall and the re7 VR mod lately on my Dell G15 5520 with RTX 3060, i7-12700H, and 16 GB of memory.  the games will be playing fine but then a freeze will happen and after resuming the video feed will lag behind my head movement even though my framerate is back up to 72.  This causes nausea and I can fix it temporarily but turning passthrough on and off but only temporarily and with less and less time between freezes.  This has been happening ever since I started using Quest and Airlink but I'm getting tired of it.  These freezes and desyncs happen with my 20ft Syntech link cable and wireless with my Prism XR which is designed to give a connection between quest three and pc alone.  On Airlink, the lag on the desync is worse but both are unplayable and both are fine before the freezes.  These freezes also happen regardless of graphic settings in-game but seem more frequent on high rather than low but this may just be a placebo.  They also seem to increase in frequency when there are more zombies on screen or during boss fights but happen in panic and save rooms with no enemies at all as well.  does anyone know how to fix this or has anyone had a similar issue? I want to buy Metro to use with Quest or Airlink but I honestly don't know if I want to anymore with this glitch making otherwise great games unplayable.


Accepted Solutions

I was helped via email and WhatsApp and his suggestions finally dealt with the issue.  Now with both wireless and wired connections my GPU can reach 100 as much as it wants without desynchronization issues occuring.  While wired the screen with still lag in high usage situations but will not desynchronize.  This doesn't matter as I can just turn my graphics settings down.  I'd like to thank faheem greatly and the rest of metaquest support. I will reply to this post with text copied from the email

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Hello   [my name], 

I hope this email reaches you in the best of health and safety.

My name is Faheem from Meta Store Support, and I will be your point of contact during this interaction.

Thank you so much for reaching out regarding the performance issues you're experiencing with your VR setup. I understand how frustrating this can be, and I'm here to help.

Here are a few troubleshooting steps that may help resolve the freezing and desync issues you’re facing:

  1. Update Drivers: Ensure that your graphics drivers and Oculus software are up to date. Sometimes, outdated drivers can cause performance issues.

  2. Disable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling: Go to your Windows settings, then to the Graphics settings, and disable hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.

  3. Adjust Oculus Debug Tool Settings: Open the Oculus Debug Tool and set the encode bitrate to 0. This can sometimes help with stuttering and desync issues.

  4. Check Network Interference: Use a tool like Route This Helps to scan your network for any interference. Ensure your Wi-Fi is on a 5GHz band if possible.

  5. Disable V-Sync and G-Sync/Freesync: Some users have found that disabling V-Sync and G-Sync/Freesync in their graphics settings can help with stuttering issues.

  6. Single Monitor Setup: Try using a single monitor setup. Multiple monitor configurations can sometimes cause issues with VR performance.

  7. Oculus Service Restart: Use the Oculus Debug Tool to restart the Oculus service. This can sometimes resolve performance issues.

  8. Check for Background Applications: Make sure there are no unnecessary background applications running that could be consuming system resources.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. I hope these steps help you enjoy your VR games without any interruptions. If there's anything else I can do to assist you, please let me know.

Best regards,
Meta Store Support


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Of all the the solutions the two that I hadn't tried yet we're disabling gsync and GPU hardware acceleration

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I tried my cousins Alienware desktop with rtx 3060 tiwith 8gb vram and 32gb of ram and no mater how much I played or the games stuutuered the desynchronization would not occur.  The same cable got 2.5gbps when testing with the USB test tool in his computer while only averaging 2.1 in tests on my laptop.  I thought that was the issue so I connected the cable to my thunderbolt 4 port in my laptop with and adapter and got 3.0gbps transfer rate.  This made the severity of desynchronization lessen but it still occurs.  I can reliably get desynchronization to occur in the first face scanned panic room of skid row in after the fall


Does anyone know if this is just an issue with laptop 3060s or not having enough ram or vram.  If those were the problem then playing on low should have fixed the issue right?

I just tried on my cousins laptop with literally the exact same specs to mine and the was no desync issue what so ever I really don't get this man.  I hung around the panic room for way longer than I had before and with no issues I don't understand.

When I tried again I was able to get my cousin's laptop to desync and after reinstalling windows on mine I desynched immediately in the starting area .  Because of this I don't think it's a software issue but maybe a hardware issue with the laptops GPUs or their ports but I still don't know.  Temps have been fine to the best of my knowledge


Okay I’ve tried other fixes like driver updates and usb power settings but nothing.   But while testing I've seen that over the course of playing the game my temps will be fine but my GPU usagtwill climb steadily.  This climb happens regardless of graphics settings but on higher settings there is a lower pool of spare utilization to be filled.  Opening the Oculus menu is able to make utilization jump but closing it puts it back to about where it was before opening. Once usage reached 100 it quickly falls to one and then jumps back up to 90 or so after the stutter causes the desynchronization.  The worse it is the longer I will have to keep passthrough open or the headset off to fix it.  It's almost like the game is leaking and once the cup is full it tips over and spills but now the table is wet so it's unstable and I have to enter passthrough to clean the table off. 


Hello @The_Drink !


We understand that there is a sync issue with your headset and the video. We would love to look into this issue. Therefore, please contact us through private message. Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.

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Hello @The_Drink !


We are just checking if everything is alright. We haven't heard from you since then. We assume your issue has been resolved. If not, please send us a private message.

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