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Device Referral Link Missing

Honored Guest

I have a Meta Quest 3s, and I wanted to give my referral link to my friends, who have a meta quest, so we both can get the meta credit. When I went to app and went to the referral section, all I could see was app referrals. I wanted to give device referrals, not app ones. Then, I went to the website, but there the referral page was blank. I live in USA, so I don't think the location is a problem. Pls help me.


Rising Star

What country are you in? There are many that exclude the referral bonus.

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.



Age of account over 13?

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.



These referrals are the biggers SCAMS of Meta World Wide. If they see, that you can get extra meta cash, they just disable that function for you, and if you try contacting support, they just will give you the same templated answer! Meta support is a part of Meta scam all together. They literally owe me like 600 eur. meta cash. Stealing cunts!

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