01-17-2025 02:24 PM
I purchased a bundle of a quest 3, a warranty, and a 2 year subscription to Meta +. My meta+ has not been activated. It has been over a month with no one fixing the issue. I am just getting BOT replies. And yesterday my phone number on facebook and WhatsApp has been deactivated and won’t be recognized. Did meta block me? I just want what I already paid for, and I also do not want them to block my headset login, but I feel like they might.
How do I get my subscription activated? I’ve already tried looking for codes in spam folders and emails and stuff. Nothing. At first meta was helpful in chat, but then couldn’t help me and sent me to an email format. Now I just get bot answers. If meta is reading this, please unblock me. I’m just trying to get what I already paid for and I want to use your product.
Anyone else feel like they have been blocked? Were you able to find a way to fix it? I’ll take any advice.
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