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Disgusting build quality quest 3 poor customer service / racist gamers / poor support

Honored Guest

Brand new to VR purchased a quest 3 14/12/2023 , am a fairly older gamer so very sensible with the hardware (return controllers and headset to the box after every session) , bought one because I have always been a PC gamer and felt getting a q3 would be cheaper to experience VR than upgrading my PC what follows was a catalogue of nightmares regarding shoddy product build and customer service.

So playing one of many games I own I was confused as to why my character kept running in game , asked developers and they told me about tracking issues with quest controllers that was the start of my realisation the kit was not good just a few months into my purchase.

First dealings with customer service follow a long chain of commands to achieve the result of send it back to us we will send you  a second hand refurbed back not the original new product and here take a £15 complimentary metaquest cash for your inconvenience and by the way its about a week turnaround where you cant play.

Then again a few months pass and bam the right controller goes same issue same process same week delay same money voucher.

in amongst all this I take a video of a kid making extremely racist comments towards asians (my wife is chinese / children mixed race) . Kid then screams N word then says all N`s should be burnt I go to meta with his meta tag and video evidence im told speak to developers of the game , developers say they have no function to administrate this I go back to meta and im provided £10 store credit a bribe to be quiet it feels like so unchecked racism is allowed to continue. This continues many times in various games only 1 dev team dealt with it and he just got muted for a week hardly a punishment for a real life hate crime.

Then just after my warranty expired a few weeks ago pop left controller tracking goes again follow all remedy steps its defiantly broken goes back to meta support thought I would be helpful and include all serial numbers , purchase receipt even a  video of the issue and im passed between 3 different advisors that all ask me to repeat all those steps without even looking up at the previous conversations. I then get told its out of warranty and do I want to buy a second hand controller with a 3 month warranty. Are you kidding? it will break shortly after 3 months.

So in a nutshell meta have not made fit for purpose controllers the tech is broken , I never had a spell without a broken controller and my nightmare came true its now out of warranty. I asked to escalate this to a supervisor and I was sent a message saying i can see why your frustrated then the conversation was closed absolutely epic customer service.

My best friend is a corporate worker from uganda he keeps asking about VR and I really cant sell it to him , buy broken tech that will frustrate you and  get racially abused playing most games and no one will help you im sorry but I cannot recommend this product.

I will be going to trading standards regarding this as there is a clear chain of me sending back a faulty product and the warranty should have been restarted from the point of receiving a new controller not a refurbed one. Meta you basically swapped out my 2 new controllers for used ones that still broke really not a happy customer

Futher to this the money I was sent expired , lost in the ether because I did not spend it quickly enough , amazing!

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