10-08-2023 06:42 AM
Hello I am wondering why I can’t download videos from the meta app even though it’s connected it says Download Unsuccessful even when my oculus is on and they are connected to WiFi and I’ve deleted and redownloaded the app and it didn’t work it just shows a WiFi icon with an exclamation point in the middle could someone please help me be able to download videos.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-10-2024 12:25 PM
Hi there, @Twinllama1. We know how important it is for our users to be able to download and share videos from their headsets. Especially for our users, who are also content creators. Thankfully, you came to the right place. Our users are among some of the most self-reliant in the VR game, and we are very appreciative of that. Just to add to the awesome tips that @dianaroy shared, we also wanted to share the steps to sync media between your headset and your phone. Those steps can be found here. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us again, and we would be more than happy to assist you. Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day!
11-13-2023 02:54 PM
Hey @Twinllama1, are you still having this issue with downloading videos? If so, could you confirm if you've also tried downloading through a desktop?
11-19-2023 03:44 PM
Hello @ThyRuinedKing unfortunately I do not have a desktop and I am a mobile content creator that downloads and does everything through my IPhone I have had troubles downloading videos that are over 5-10 and more minutes long and this phone is all I have to download videos from if there’s anything I could do I would be appreciative to hear
11-21-2023 03:03 PM
You'll only be able transfer your files through a PC, there may be ways to transfer files to your mobile but at this time we don't officially have a process.
01-10-2024 04:12 AM
It's frustrating to encounter download issues on the Meta app despite a connected Oculus and WiFi. Try checking the app permissions for storage access or clearing cache/data. If the problem persists, contact Meta's support for specific troubleshooting steps. Meanwhile, explore a reliable "Twitter Video Save" tool as an alternative for downloading videos, ensuring smoother accessibility. Hope this helps resolve the issue!
01-10-2024 12:25 PM
Hi there, @Twinllama1. We know how important it is for our users to be able to download and share videos from their headsets. Especially for our users, who are also content creators. Thankfully, you came to the right place. Our users are among some of the most self-reliant in the VR game, and we are very appreciative of that. Just to add to the awesome tips that @dianaroy shared, we also wanted to share the steps to sync media between your headset and your phone. Those steps can be found here. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us again, and we would be more than happy to assist you. Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day!
01-11-2024 12:05 AM
Thanks for mentioning me. I just share my own point of view...
01-24-2024 08:40 AM
Hey, @dianaroy! Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts! We appreciate everyone's personal point of view, and we truly love seeing the community pull together!
05-22-2024 06:19 PM
It sounds like you're encountering connectivity issues when trying to tiktok download videos from the Meta (formerly Facebook) app to your Oculus device. The WiFi icon with an exclamation point indicates a problem with the internet connection or communication between the devices
08-16-2024 03:51 PM
im having the same issue
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